Minutes of the ACRL/LA Board Meeting

July 20, 2001

LSU Alexandria


Present:   Karen Leeseberg, President; Laverne Simoneaux, President-elect; Rebecca Stenzel, Past-President; Fred Hamilton, LLA Academic Section Chair; Judy Irvin, Constitution/Bylaws; Janette Griffin, Directory; Sigrid Kelsey, Newsletter; Adrienne Detwiler, website; Ginger Bryan, Secretary- Treasurer



Minutes of the last meeting had been electronically distributed and were approved.


Treasurer’s report was given by Laverne Simoneaux.  Balance as of July 20, 2001, is $3906.57.


Membership:   A report from Rebecca Malik-Wiley, Membership Committee, was distributed and discussed.  Board members were informed of a link to a membership form for national members at <www.ala.org/acrl>; under “Chapters” select Louisiana.


Newsletter:   Sigrid Kelsey informed the Board that the newsletter will be published as soon as possible after this meeting.  Conference information will be included.


Constitution:    Judy Irvin reported that changes have been suggested for the committee to review.  She recommended that any changes made by the committee be printed in the fall newsletter so they may be voted on at the conference.  She suggested these changes also be placed on the ACRL/LA website by September to meet distribution deadline.


Website:  Adrienne Detwiler asked that any changes be given to her as soon as possible.  A counter will be added to the website to monitor the number who visit.


Directory:  Janette Griffin notified board members that reporting directory changes by fax is getting expensive and will try verification via email.  She recommended that the directory be published annually due to the number of changes each year.  This year the website address will be added to the directory’s cover.  Pre-orders will continue.


Legislative network liaison: Norma Martin sent a report stating that she sent information to LALINC-L throughout the year.


LLA Academic:   Fred Hamilton reported that the LLA conference program received good appraisals.


New Business:   Karen Leeseberg informed the board that she intended to fill chair vacancies as soon as possible.  An ex officio from the Library School also needs to be selected.


The chapter was asked to sponsor a pre ALA Conference standards workshop Friday, January 18, 2002, from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. The Louisiana chapter will be responsible for publicity and the logistics of the workshop.  There is a $50 fee. The only expenses are seed money for a hotel room for one night and workbooks.  National ACRL will provide all other costs.  Money from fees would go the chapter.  Karen Leeseberg moved and Janette Griffin seconded a motion that the chapter accept this responsibility.  The motion passed.  A contact person will be selected.


The annual meeting held in conjunction with LUC, will be October 25 and 26 at Southeastern Louisiana University.  Patricia Ianuzzi, University of California Berkeley, is guest speaker.  Break out sessions on various topics are planned.  Conference registration fees are:   $15 for one conference; $20 for both conference; $25 after the cut off date.  Tickets to special events in Hammond that same weekend can also be purchased.


Changes in SACS accreditation standards were briefly discussed.  Rebecca Stenzel attended the Atlanta meeting and reported that the objective is to streamline criteria.  Librarians are now back under the faculty umbrella.


The meeting adjourned 2:10 pm.


ACRL Louisiana

Treasurer’s Report

December 31, 2000 - July 20, 2001




Opening Balance 12/31/00                      $    4,114.28



                        Directories       $   235.00

                        Memberships   $     20.00

                        National Reimbursement            119.00

                                    $   374.00 $    4,488.28




                        Mailing Supplies            $       8.71

                        Postage            $     68.00

                        LLA-Gasaway            $   500.00

                        Secretary of State            $       5.00

                                    $   581.71 $    3,906.57         


Ending Balance 7/20/01                        $    3,906.57




Respectfully submitted,


Laverne Simoneaux






Directory Sales


                 185   Printed

                  - 9   Given to Committee

                 176   Sold

                 x  5   Dollars each

             $ 880.00   Total Income

              - 468.85   Printing

             $ 411.15   Profit from Directories