To: Members of the ACRL-LA Board of Directors and ACRL-LA Members
From: Lisa Muilenburg, Secretary/Treasure
What: Minutes from meeting held on January 9, 2006
Date: January 15, 2006

Board Members present: Kevin Merriman (President), Michael Matthews (Vice President/President Elect), Lisa Muilenburg, Mike Russo, Jeremy Landry, and Janette Griffin

ACRL-LA members present: Michelle Anfenson-Comeau, Carol Bell, Kathy Bordelon, Jerome Cummings, Sheryl Curry, Alice Dougherty, Tony Fonseca, Denise Goetting, Barbara Houssiere, Jessica Hutchings, Kathy Kerdolff, Maureen,"Molly" Knapp, Nancy Khoury, Mary Frances Marx, Suzanne Martin, John Meier, Marie Morgan, Debbie Rollins, Mike Russo, Greg Spano, Boris Teske, Anke Tonn, Van Viator, Dinah H. Williams, and Janet Woolman

Guests: Beverly Laughlin (Exec. Director of the Louisiana Library Association) and Sara Zimmerman (LOUIS)

Kevin called the meeting to order at 11:00 am. An agenda was distributed and after the welcome he started with committee reports. He acknowledged that most committees had been in active and that "No Report" was an acceptable reply.

1. Reports/discussion:

Secretary/Treasurer: No Report. Note: An executive decision was make to make the new address on the checks match the location of archives and the web page. Therefore the new checks address with be that of McNeese which is P.O. Box 91445, Lake Charles, LA 70609-1445

Archives: No Report

Directory: Janette Griffin reopened the idea to print the directory at least one more time because it is distributed to more than just the academic institutions and includes much more than just information about ACRl/LA members. She noted that it would be difficult with what has happened but that a print copy is still useful. It was agreed that it would also be available online. It was again suggested that at the next conference it be added as a non-optional cost to the program for five dollars ($5). She stated that mostly UNO personal work on the directory because it is easier to coordinate information. It was decided that the directory should be ready for the Spring 2007 LLA conference in print and be part of the conference fee. It will then also be available as a pdf on the web page afterwards for printing.

Legislative Liaison: No Report.

LLA Liaison: Jeremy Landry just reminded people to vote. The LLA conference dates for this year are March 38-30th in Lafayette. Conference forms were available for registration.

Membership Committee: No Report. Kevin announced that Mary Francis Sherwood, who was not present, from SOWELA would be the new chair of this committee.

Newsletter: Michael Russo announced that the newsletter was produced and distributed electronically last time. This saves money and it allows everything anybody sends to him to be included in the newsletter because there are no space limitations. He said there was not a Fall issue because of the Hurricane. He is now collecting information for the Spring issue. Kevin suggested that the newsletter is a great place to document what is happening at the various libraries in relation to the Hurricanes. He noted that when grant review bodies may want to know about the big picture, not necessarily just individual institutions. We should be making this information as easy as possible to acquire. Publications could be in the newsletter (Michael Russo) or the LLA Journal (Michael Mathews).

Student Liaison: No Report.

Publicity: No Report. Molly Knapp from LSU- Health Sciences volunteered to be the chair of this committee today. President Hastings-Merriman assigned the chair position and the executive committee approved it.

Constitution & By-laws: No Report

K. Program Committee: Michael Matthews will discuss this more in a minute.

Webmaster: Kevin announced that Anne Frolich had retired from McNeese and since he is at McNeese he would take on the webmaster role for the remainder of his term if there were no objections and none were given.


Kevin then asked for volunteers to serve on committees. He said if you want to serve on a committee to contact the chair directly if possible. If there is no chair listed, please contact Kevin.

2. LLA:

Kevin introduced Beverly Laughlin the current LLA Executive Officer. Ms. Laughlin announced that the ALA conference, which is scheduled to be held in New Orleans in June, would allow librarians from affected hurricane regions to attend the conference for free. This includes registration only – not special meetings, meals, or pre-conference events.

She also mentioned the ALA "Adopt A Library" program. If you need more information on this contact ALA Chapter Relations.

She noted that LLA does represent all libraries in Louisiana including the academics so funds that are being collected by ALA and given to LLA for distribution will be given to all types of institutions as is decided by a committee which includes an academic librarian.

She strongly encouraged everyone to join LLA because the more members you have from the various types of libraries makes their representation in LLA stronger and LLA stronger overall.

She then mentioned grants that are available (mostly for archives) on the ALA site.

It was also mentioned that Solinet has grants listed on their page. Tony (from Nicholls) then volunteered to gather additional grant information and have it posted on the ACRL-LA web page. Kevin asked anyone with grant information to pass this on to Tony so we are not duplicating efforts.

3. Discussion of Hurricane Issues:

McNeese: Kevin led the discussion by encouraging everyone to keep a journal of the recovery activities and to maintain a visible profile with administration. It was suggested that the mini-conference on disaster recovery (Michael Mathews) should have maybe have a long term goal to change accounting standards for libraries (appreciation of books vs. depreciation) and talk about state laws and records management issues.

UNO: Noted the importance of virtual reference during this time and that the LOUIS consortium has been an invaluable asset.

(FYI: Savoie mentioned that out of 80,000 students only 32,000 have returned and 12,000 of these are out of state taking distance ed classes so the state is missing 50,000 students)

Nunez: Concurred with UNO that without LOUIS the library could not have provided any services in the Fall. Mentioned the need to have storage for data away from local area (in the North).

Nicholls: They have had an increase in the use of their library by students in the evenings. It seems that they just need someplace to meet.

LSU-Medical: Their library is ok but no one is being let in yet although it should be soon.

Southeastern: They acquired 1,600 new students during the disaster and that has been a challenge to teach them all especially in the library classes.

SOWELA: Mentioned the importance of a preservation plan (this will be part of the mini-conference). She suggested the value of jump drives (USB drives) in transporting necessary information. It was mentioned that Houston is the closest place with a freezer for preserving materials.

Beverly Laughlin suggested in partnering with public libraries when creating your preservation plan because they were required to create these after the Oklahoma booming incidence and so they should have them in place already.

LSUA: Mostly business as usual but with the same budget cuts as everyone is receiving.

LSUE: Talked about being a shelter and helping people fill out FEMA and other paperwork online.

ULM: Noted that every institution was effected by the storms. They had water damage up North and this should be noted when grants are being distributed. He said it has been great how everyone pulled together to work with evacuees.

ULL: Mentioned budget cuts and frozen positions.

LOUIS: Although they were largely unaffected by the storm, it prompted them to adjust their recovery plan to include help to institutions who were disabled on their end. LOUIS is testing an option to be an ez-proxy backup and looking into being a center form communication resources. They are also willing to help with recovery as possible.

4. Brainstorm Help Ideas.

--Staff help from other schools (example: acquisitions) if possible.

--Prepared list of things needed when there is a pending disaster.

--Backups on disk or jump drives

Mike Russo said he would gather a list of best practices

Michael Mathews said he would get the information already available from Solinet.

--Grant writing?

--Information should be posted on both the ACRL-LA yahoo list and the LALINC list of resources needed (and then institutions can post back what they can offer).

A resolution was made to Kevin to somehow acknowledge LOUIS to the Board of Regents as to how invaluable their existence has been during this disaster.

It was decided that dues would be mailed to Kevin Hastings-Merriman at this time and Muilenburg will get them from him.

5. Mini-Conference

Mathews is planning a mini-conference on disaster planning and information. It will be held at Northwestern. It will only be one day because of travel budgets being mostly non-existent. It will be from 10-5. It will either be at the end of October or early November. The date will be discussed on the ACRL-LA list.

Kevin emphasized that communication and working together was more important now then ever. He said that we should work with all libraries because essentially library issues are the same across public and academic libraries alike.

Meeting adjourned to an off-site lunch, sponsored by ACRL-La, at 2 pm.