To: Members of the ACRL-LA Beard of Directors and ACRL-LA Members
From: Jessica Hutchings, Secretary/Treasurer
What: Minutes from meeting held on March 6, 2007
Date: March 12, 2007

Board Members present: Kevin Merriman (President), Michael Matthews (Vice President/President Elect), Jessica Hutchings (Acting Secretary/Treasurer), Janette Griffin, Mary Frances Sherwood, Michael Russo

ACRL-LA members present: Lora Amsberryaugier, Kathy Bowersox, Jacqueline Jones, Kate Crause, Rebecca Malek-Wiley, Suzanne Martin, Marie Morgan, Corrine Pearce, Debra Rollins, Katherine Seidel, Boris Teske, Dinah Williams, Sara Zimmerman, Lisa Stigall, Ralph Boe, Rebecca Troy-Horton

Kevin and Michael called the meeting to order at 1:00pm. The agenda, handouts detailing the proposed changes to bylaws, and information about the proposed LUC pre-conference were distributed to the members.

Officer Elections

· Nomination submissions for the offices of Vice-President/President-Elect and Secretary/Treasurer should go to the Nominations and Elections committee. Michael Matthews as the current VP/PE is the de facto chair of this and is responsible for appointing members.

· Jessica Hutchings was elected secretary/treasurer.

· Committee Chairs- Chairs present at the meeting were asked if they wanted to continue their charge, and absent chairs will be contacted and asked if they want to continue their charge. The executive committee will confer via email and announce the new slate of committee chairs by March 23.

i. Kathie Bordelon is still acting as chair of Archives.

ii. Pati Threatt is still acting as chair of Constitution and Bylaws.

iii. Janette Griffin is still acting as Directory committee chair, and the committee has included Marie Morgan, Marylin Hankle, Rebecca Malek-Wiley. Miriam Childs is no longer a member.

iv. Our new Legislative Liaison is Rebecca Troy-Horton.

v. Mary Francis Sherwood is still chair of Membership.

vi. Michael will call Jeremy Landry to see if he is still interested in being the LLA Liaison.

vii. Mike Russo is still chair of Newsletter.

viii. Michael Matthews as the Vice President/President Elect is the de facto chair of the Program Committee.

ix. Molly Knapp is chair of Publicity.

x. Michael Matthews will ask the director of SLIS for a recommendation for a student liaison.

xi. Kevin Merriman is still the Webmaster.

xii. Alma Dawson is the SLIS representative.

Chapter Bylaws

· The most recent revision of the bylaws occurred in July of 2001. The executive committee distributed a handout of the proposed bylaw changes, which included various grammatical changes as well as significant changes in Article VI, Section 5 regarding officer succession.

· Corinne Pierce moved to follow the current bylaw rules to vote to change the bylaws at the annual meeting, and Marie Morgan seconded the motion. A majority vote passed the motion. We will vote on these bylaw changes at the annual fall meeting.

Membership Directory

· Janette Griffin explained history of the directory and the way it has been maintained. The printed version is very difficult to maintain, especially since the numerous updates needed since the hurricane season.

· The discussion included the value of the print version of this directory: it's widely used and easy to take notes in it. An electronic version would be easier to maintain and less expensive due to the cost savings in printing and binding. Perhaps a CD-ROM directory is a future option.

· Ms. Griffin would like to step down as the committee chair. Ms. Griffin recommended that Marie Morgan serve as chair of this committee or Laurie Amsberryaugier to serve as the database administrator. Ms. Griffin will stay on the committee as a member.

ACRL-LA Pre-Conference at LUC, October 10

· Michael Matthews brought information about possible transportation expense options for the speakers, William Nelson and Robert Fernekes, who will give the presentation, "Practical Library Assessment: Applying the ACRL Standards for Libraries in Higher Education."

· Michael Matthews will contact SirsiDynix to sponsor the event.

· Boris Teske distributed some information about the presenters. Mr. Nelson and Mr. Fernekes have information about how the ACRL standards correspond with SACS accreditation standards.

· The task force to work with registration matters for this one-day workshop include Corinne Pierce and Michael Matthews.

· Maurine Knapp will continue serving as chair of the special publicity and marketing task force. Corinne Pierce volunteered to help.

Mary Francis Sherwood, chair of membership committee, mentioned membership is from July to June. She will soon send out renewal notices.

Kevin Merriman moved to adjourn the meeting at 2:55pm. Jessica Hutchings seconded the motion, and the meeting ended.